Turn pet waste into fertiliser with a pet poo worm farm

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Pets make fantastic companions for the whole family, but the downside is constantly cleaning up after them.

Tossing pet poo in the garbage makes the bin smell unpleasant and the sheer quantity of plastic bags required is bad for the environment, while digging holes to bury it is tiresome.

Luckily, there is a way you can conveniently turn your pet’s waste into rich organic fertiliser and keep it out of landfill at the same time.

The Tumbleweed Pet Poo Worm Farm is a revolutionary new composting system that puts worms to work to break down pet waste.

Simply deposit droppings inside and let the worms take care of the rest.

How it works

The above-ground section of the composter features corrugated twin walls that provide insulation and strength, as well as a sturdy pedal-operated lid that prevents initial smells from escaping and helps retain moisture for the worms.

The base of the composter is buried in the ground and features “worm doorways” that allow worms to enter and exit the worm farm to feed on the organic matter within.

As the worms burrow through the garden, they take the decaying organic matter from the worm farm with them down into the lower layers of the soil. This not only disperses nutrients throughout the garden, but it also creates tunnels that aerate the soil, improving water flow and encouraging plants to grow stronger roots.

The Pet Poo Worm Farm isn’t just for pet waste, as it can also be used to compost kitchen scraps. And with the worms working hard to break down the pet poo, any smells will quickly dissipate.

Setting up the worm farm

To install a Pet Poo Worm Farm, find a suitable position in the garden and dig a hole slightly wider than the base. Position the composter in the hole to the depth of the rim. To eliminate the risk of harmful organisms coming into contact edible plants, don’t use it near a vegetable or herb garden.

Surround the outside of the base with a suitable worm bedding such as coir, then backfill with soil and cover with mulch. Add more worm bedding inside the composter, then add the worms themselves.

Once the worm farm is set up, you can start depositing pet droppings inside. You can also add kitchen scraps, avoiding acidic foods like onion or citrus. Worms like to be slightly moist but not damp, so lightly spray with water occasionally to maintain moisture levels.

The Pet Poo Worm Farm can also be relocated to a different area of the garden when required, leaving behind healthy soil.

Tumbleweed worm farm and composting products are available at your local Bunnings Warehouse.

For more information on Tumbleweed products, call 1800 809 088 or visit www.tumbleweed.com.au